Conference Presentations
"The Reluctant superhero and the Lone Wolf: a conversation about male elementary teachers". Werklund School of Education Celebrating Sessionals Symposium February 2020
"From deserted classrooms to vibrant classrooms alive with boys! Opening Calgary’s only public boys’ school." Western Canadian Association for Student Teachers. University of Calgary. 2019
"Valued AND vulnerable: the complex experiences of male elementary teachers" with Brian Gilbert and Todd Webber. Western Canadian Association for Student Teachers. University of Calgary. 2019
"The Reluctant Superhero and the Lone Wolf: a conversation for male elementary teachers" with Todd Webber. Palliser School Division Teachers' Convention
"Boys Talk and I am listening: a principal becomes a researcher. What are boys telling us?" Calgary City Teachers' Convention. February 2015.
"The Reluctant Superhero and the Lone Wolf: a conversation for male elementary teachers" with Todd Webber. Calgary City Teachers' Convention. February 2015
"Boys and Learning" Featured Speaker at Alberta Teachers' Association Special Education Council Conference. October 2014.
"Opening Calgary's Only Public Boys' School: Observations and Reflections. Western Canadian Association for Student Teachers 2012, University of Calgary. AB. February 2012.
“Valued AND vulnerable: the complex experiences of male elementary teachers”. WestCAST 2012. University of Calgary AB. February 2012.
“Symposium on Males in Education.” Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. Toronto, ON. Panelist. May 2, 2006.
“Celebrating Our Boys.” Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD Calgary). November 24, 2007.
“Celebrating OUR Boys: What Boys Need in Elementary Classrooms.” Early Childhood Education Specialist Council Annual Conference, Calgary, November 2005.
updated March 2022